Prizes for the 2022 Holiday Raffle

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In the early morning of 12/12, at about 12:12am, someone will win $12K in the Ascension Holiday Cash Raffle. The following prizes will be awarded that day.
- One grand prize winner – $12,000
- Five second prize winners – $500 each
- Ten third prize winners – $100 each
- Ten fourth prize winners – $50 each
For those who are selling tickets for the parish:
- $300 to the person who sells the grand prize ticket
- $500 to the person who sells the most tickets overall
Our raffle is conducted according to Tennessee gaming laws. Each ticket costs $25. You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase tickets or win prizes. You do not have to be present to win. Winners will be responsible for all taxes. Employees of Catholic Church of the Ascension and their immediate families residing the same household are not eligible to win. Only 3,300 tickets will be sold.